Friday, June 21, 2013

McMaster's Working the Fabric and Atkins brings the shoes...

After lunch and dewatering my doddering old dog, I wandered through the lunchroom and got an organic carrot from Katie Driscoll and Alex Matthews. I walked down the hall and found Andrew McMasters creating some amazing costumes for period piece The Final Curtain, show #7. It's amazing seeing someone not necessarily in their element really committed. I asked Andy what he was working on and he very animatedly told me about how "I want to use this lace on the neck of this dress and I'm afraid if I use anything smaller it won't read". He's kind of glowing a little with sweat and excitement. It makes me smile.
Rachel Atkins came in with more period pieces and proceeded to lie down on the floor. It was really apparent she didn't want to get up. But she did. In search of more shoes. Then she found a single sewing needle that was desperately needed and there was a small yip of glee. It's hard to believe that finding a sewing needle in a costume shop is a little like looking for a needle in a .......never mind.
+Dangerpants Photography 

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