Friday, June 21, 2013

Jim Jewell Virgin Actor Takes the Stage in show #7

You should know that Jim Jewell does a lot for 14/48. A LOT.
But you should also know that on his Virgin 14/48 foray as an actor he arrives on stage wearing a red union suit.
Sam Hagan is wearing culottes and a filmy, white blouse.
Wayne Rawley arrives royally and Alyssa Keene steals the moment with her subtle under playing of the classic text. And by subtle I mean.... here comes Jim Jewell in what we are calling the"Scot Augustson wig" and ill fitting peasant gown.
Debauchery ensues.
Wayne owns the stage with his monologue about how much he loves theater.
Alyssa is working on stealing focus constantly. It's working.
This one has the audience laughing hard.
Nice closing energy.

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