This time honored tradition of throwing these innocents into the artistic volcano, ensures that the gods of 14/48 bless us with a bounty of fresh artistic blood to feast upon. Artists may be "revirginized" periodically by jumping into a new area. Some virgins have never done 14/48 ever in their life, but some may have acted in 7 shows, but never directed. By offering themselves up to partake in another discipline they can claim back their virginity for a brief 48 hours.
I checked in with a few virgins at the thursday meeting to see how they were entering into the octopus like hands of 14/48...
Virgin Profile #1
Rebecca Olson- Virgin Actor

Looking forward to- "The spontaneity"
Worst fear/nightmare- "Nothing. Is that bad?"
Virgin Profile #2
Doug Willot-Virgin Actor

Looking forward to- "fear" "excitement of the pressure"
Worst fear/nightmare- "to end up in something mediocre" "would prefer a train wreck to that"
Virgin Profile #3
Ahren Buhman-Virgin Designer (I believe lights)
Looking forward to- "Find out what this thing is. What happens? What really goes on during 14/48?"
Worst Fear/Nightmare- "ummm.... uh.... ummm... nothing really? WOO HOO!!!"
Then he posed for this picture...

Hannah Schnabel-Virgin Designer (Costumes)
Looking forward to- "being able to be as crazy as possible, no holds barred"
Worst Fear/Nightmare- "total mental breakdown from designing 14 shows in 2 days" possible breakdown scenarios imagined "crying... barfing... fist fights"
Virgin Profile #5
Erin Kraft-Revirginized as a Director (Veteran Actor)

Most Looking forward to- "not being able to plan"
Worst Fear/Nightmare- "that I won't have any ideas"
Virgin Profile #6
Moll Frothingham-Virgin Playwright
Looking forward to- "Community"
Worst Fear/Nightmare- "Oh, I don't want to think about that" (true, unfair question post draw...) But then she added "the pressure to make everyone look good" (the writers are charged with giving EVERYONE something great to do for the day, EEK!)
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