Friday, January 16, 2009

Lunchies and a slideshow!

Ok people. Coming up is a beautiful slide show of our meeting last night. We've got some great pictures (taken by Matthew Larson) of our Mazen Award winner, JIM JEWELL. An apology needs to be publicly made to Mr. Jewell, because he has TWO L's in his name. Apology and correction made. 

It's lunch time now and people are reading and eating. There was a little chaos this morning with the replacement of actors! AHH! But Jose Amador came to the rescue, as well as Samara Lerman. Other than that Mr. O'Connor reports that things are running smoothly. PHEW!!

I checked in the band after hearing MULTIPLE gunshots during rehearsal. What is it about women that summon 7 gunshots in one night of theatre? The band has a broken drumstick, but they're working through the pain of their loss and coming out on top. Luckily they get to do the "Safety Dance", and that will pull anyone through. 

I think I'll go shoot me some video and and see what people are up to. Enjoy the slideshow!!!

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