Saturday, January 12, 2013

What They're Wearing...

Veteran Actor and recent Gregory Award winner Ryan Higgins is discussing potential footwear. He's got a lot of worn-out chucks. This doesn't surprise me as I've seen Ryan wearing threadbare jeans held together by safety pins for years. It's a style reflective of his rugged, edgy individualism which permeates all of his performances. Veteran Designer Michael Mowery walks by me wearing a grey sweatshirt splattered with paint from dozens and dozens of his set creations over the years! Virgin Actor Mike Mathieu is dressed in cammo fatigues and I can't help but think most people here would gladly drop and give him twenty. Veteran Designer Amy Lazerte is criss-crossing the building making final costume trips. Apparently Hipster jeans are in high demand. Virgin Actor Moses Kim is wearing an ear-flap hat which he's been wearing all weekend long, only now he's worked it into his costuming for tonight. I take the elevator to the 8th floor rehearsal room, step off and overhear Virgin Designer Jana Hutchinson say "and then I can get blood all over him without getting it on his overalls." My mind is racing...

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