Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rehearsal Drop In #5 Camp Lake Sunnylake

Wayne Rawley's 2 male, 2 female play directed by Andrew Huntley.

Andrew "Take all the subtlety out of the script, basically."

"You Have Lollipops?"

"Of course I have Lollipops."

"We're sure there are no other non-murdered camp counselors out there?"

"I am not a slut. I'm bookish and I read books and I wear glasses and I will probably make it to the end of the show."

"I don't think we should turn on some rock and roll music."

"I wish I could take that whole thing back."

Colleen Carey, Tonya Andrews, Kaleb Hagan-Kerr and Frank Lawler. Oh, this is going to be fun.

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