Saturday, January 12, 2013

Show #6 Tech: Bret Fetzer's The Adventures of Henry

Veteran director Pattie Miles Van Beuzekom goes through sound needs first, which gives a clear indication of the child like whimsy that Bret's script calls for. It's good to know that they make footie pajamas in adult male sizes (Veteran actor Bob Christer makes for a believable young child).

Both Bob and his scene partner, Veteran Julia Griffin, are able to show a range in their roles this weekend, given that they played a caveman, and a scantily clad demi-goddess just 24 hours ago; Fetzer has given the opportunity to play a wide variety of childhood innocent situations. There are additional non-speaking roles attached to this production--show runners, essentially, serving as downtown buildings, and a manned fly system, adding charm to the proceedings.

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