Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Writer's Approach

Bret Fetzer is about to find a quiet(ish) little nook on the Bullitt Balcony where he can take a cat-nap before the show goes up. I mention I heard he cranked out his play last night before the first show was over, his fastest yet! I ask him if he has a certain writing approach for 14/48 and he says no. He really goes with the inspiration of the particular festival's theme. Something To Write Home About is one of those themes that grabbed him by the collar and lined up all the elements in a flash, but he emphasizes that it's not always that way. He hasn't had a chance to see a full run through of The Adventures of Henry in rehearsal so he'll be seeing it for the first time at the 8 o'clock show tonight, a virgin audience member to his very own play. How exciting! Knowing this man's opus as I do, I'm sure it will be rock-solid!

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