Friday, January 8, 2010

One last night cap...

Before I go and dream of flying goldfish and a talking whale named Gus, I leave you with a few more memorable quotes and moments from the evening...

* Mazen Winner Elizabeth Heffron drew the final show for night one - 3 Men, 2 Women
* "Andy Jensen is drawing for Paul Mullin." -Shawn Belyea (followed by a delightful chorus of boos which is the only appropriate response if someone is unable to attend the meeting.)
* In the above picture all of the playwrights have just drawn and are viewing their assignment for tonight, except Celene who is using the powers of telepathy to reveal the mysteries within the folded piece of office paper (another reason to adore Celene Ramadan!)
* And finally, a FISCHNALLER UPDATE! As Troy was leaving ACT I asked him how he was feeling about tomorrow. Troy responded, "I feel like... ummm..." and then proceeded to trip and stumble his way up the stair way. This makes me very nervous... is the pressure of COLLATERAL DAMAGE getting to Fischnaller... is he dealing with Swine Flu... only time will tell.
Good night sweet, delicate actors/directors, don't stay out too late band members and burn blisters in those fingers our dear writers... we all eagerly anticipate tomorrow's product!

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