Saturday, January 9, 2010

Virgin Update: Maggie Lee (WRITER)

Over breakfast this morning, I had a chance to chat with the only virgin writer at this weekend's 14/48 Festival, Maggie Lee, whose Day 1 play, The Female of the Species was a huge comic success. (Everybody loved the aliens.) It seems her background in writing sketch comedy has served her well.

When asked what she thought of the festival thus far, Lee said it was "overwhelming." Maggie also said that writing for two men and two women (her Day 2 assignment) was far "less challenging" than writing for three men (her Day 1 assignment), because there were more opportunities. (Apparently the only situation Maggie could imagine involving three men was an alien mating ritual?)

I'm sitting in on the rehearsal for Maggie's Day 2 play, The Guitar Case and so far, it sounds intriguing. Did I hear something about guns, Nazis, and mobsters? I'll check back a little later. I promised Maggie I would keep an eye on Opal Peachey (DIRECTOR) and The Guitar Case for her. However, from what we saw of Opal's work last night with Celene Ramadan's Cafeteria Blossoms, I'm guessing Maggie's play is in very capable hands.


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