Friday, January 7, 2011

Tech Show #3 Exactly What You Would Do

During the rushed transition in tech change over, director Ryan Higgins checks in with his cast and informs them that he will be mostly concerned with the tech requirements of the piece, not so much focused on the acting. He reassures them they still have plenty of rehearsal time in the day, which is true, but you can tell that Ms. Weagant and Ms. Mountjoy-Pepka are feeling it right now.

Smooth smooth set transition from #2 to #3. The band starts into a cover of Bill Whither's Ain't No Sunshine, which transitions into a moment where Justin Huertas is featured on the cello. The piece begins in earnest.

Higgins marks through the opening moments with the cast and crew, while the three female vocalists rehearse a particularly haunting melody snippet.

It's remarkable that considering the amount of pressure the afternoon packs, Frounfelter manages to maintain an unfailingly polite air as he conducts his business. Things are flowing smoothly for the moment.

15 minutes. The cast will use the remainder of the tech time to run through the piece; this is a rare luxury that is occasionally afforded to a show, they begin.

The cast and crew for show #4 filters in, unaware that things are running a little behind in general. I am given a piece of ginger chocolate, which sits really well with the pepper chocolate I had about an hour ago.

They stumble through the piece, while all around them issues are raised and ironed out.

Seven minutes left.

While it wasn't 100% perfect, the moments are well paced and they are on the right track for success. The band breaks into The Rose and the tech comes to a close.


Paul Mullin said...

Awesome work, Jose. You're really putting me there, baby.

Laure Yamagawa said...

pepper chocolate?!?!