Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Moment With Brandon Whitehead and Sylvester Kamara

"They got the funny yesterday, not so much today," Brandon sleepily declares out in the smoking closet. "Everybody gets one." This is all delivered in the wryly dry way of his.

Virgin Actor Sylvester Kamara steps into the closet, and we take a couple of seconds to congratulate him on his inaugural voyage of 14/48. "Thanks, I had a lot of fun the second time through." Yeah? "Yeah, you know, the nerves from the first time through went away."

It turns out Sylvester and Brandon will be acting together tonight in Wes Andrews' And Nothing Too, something of a creation myth with a Raven (Kamara) and a Weasel (Whitehead).

"Don't you think we'd make a great Christmas card," Whitehead asks, cozying up to Kamara, who gamely plays along.

So, what do you think of the experience so far?

"This thing just highlights the areas I need to work on [as an actor]. I find that I have certain comfortable habits when I work on a project, and, so far, 14/48...No comfort zone, you know?"

"See, I'm on the other end of the spectrum, there's nothing that's outside of my comfort zone," Whitehead pipes in. "Except maybe vaginas."

"I'm comfortable with vaginas."

"Yeah, not me...They have teeth you know."

The remainder of this tangent is best left to the great lost conversations of the universe, but it ends with Kamara stating, "I'd rather lose a finger."

One show under his belt and he can hold his own with Brandon Whitehead.

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