Friday, January 7, 2011

Company meeting

Roll call and all present. Jen Moon tries to be subtle in delivering a gun to an actor.
Curtain call cue is reviewed and the call itself.
Writers! Right after 8pm show, please go to common room for tomorrow's assignment.
This is final call for comps for tonight.
Place prop boxes back to assigned places in back hall.
Costumes back to dressing room and hanging them up is extra bonus for Jen.
Prop tables: get it done after this meeting for crew.
Rainbow wig man show needs some extra bods on stage for 10 seconds, but be aware of crews comin and goin.
Store stuff overnight in the dressing rooms, which will be locked.
House opens at 7:30.
A big thanks for properly recycling and cleaning up after yourself. Food will be gone, but sweets, coffee and beer will stay.
1st show is mostly paying patrons, so watch from back of balconies.
Reminder: smoking deck is the 8th floor. Not in front of the theater. Do not mess with the Zoltan.
The Opening Night Engery and Closing Energy mantra thus recited and Queen's "We are the Champions" playing, the FRIDAY NIGHT FIRST WEEKENDERS are off and running.

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