Saturday, January 8, 2011

Coming to a Conclusion

The most involved transition starts with Adam, first apologizing, then screeching "JULIA!!"
"I'm right here!"
Ah, the good ol days before clear com and I start looking around for Jose.

Holland gets to be carried in on a bed and so the crew and designers are all discussing transition issues and options. "Oh yeah... we need 2 sex pillows."
 Off goes a designer to find 2 sex pillows to cheers and a little applause.
"Llysa comes on stage sitting on a bed with her love box"
"What about a love box?" from the band
"The Love Box, Exciting and New...The Love Box, It's Expecting You..."
(oh, guys a blogger is here...)

Nice opening song choice! Need one more verse for transition and nope, Llysa will not be on the bed and operation manual needs to be under a pillow. Don't do it again, need to move along. We are too close to being done by 6:30. SM bounces up and down from where she sits with happiness.

Now there are 4 on the bed and 2 love boxes. Leggett's in a suit this time, but in a orgasm show. Ah, the curse of 14/48. Now there are 5 on the bed and 3 love boxes. Now just Llysa and 5 love boxes.

Well, folks...that is about as big a tease as I can leave you with. I'm gonna sign off. Just remembered I need to get batteries. See ya at the show tonight.

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