Saturday, January 18, 2014

Breakfast and Coincidences

As expected, a lot calmer energy abounds in the room today as people go through the familiar patterns of playwrights talking to directors, actors catching up and grabbing a bite to eat, exchanging compliments and horror stories. Looks like people got sufficient sleep, but there is no denying, everyone could use a couple of extra hours.

Keni Cohen and Erin Stewart talk about the play
Photo: Agastya Kohli
Three of the playwright/director pairs are repeats of yesterday. Keni Cohen picked Erin Stewart's script again, Andy Jensen drew Lisa Koch and Peggy Platt again, and Charles Smith will be directing Zoe Fitzgerald's play - who by the way, wrote play #7 for yesterday, and for tonight!

Additionally, Keni picked Sydney Tucker as one of her actors, just as Andy Jensen picked Katie Driscoll again. So Katie and Sydney will be working with the same writer/director teams as they did yesterday.

Some other statistical fun facts - John Langs, who directed the smallest cast yesterday, has one of the two 5 handers. Sara Porkalob, who was in play #1 yesterday is in play #7 tonight.

Once again, the actors, writers and directors have left after the actor draw, and the designers continue to make lists and discuss options. We'll stop by a little later and see what fun things they're working on today.

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