Friday, January 6, 2012

A Love Letter to the Band

Dear 14/48 Band:

You guys rock, no seriously, you guys rock! You are killin' it up there! Mixing a little Deliverance with Yankee Doodle with modern funk and throwing in some horns and (why the fuck not?) a HARP! Yes, ladies and gents, there is a HARP in this band!  All nine of you up there, composing and practicing and working and, literally, making my heart melt while you rock it out.

It can only get better.

I just overheard, "That's working, right? It's funny as Hell."

Yes, yes it is. I am a puddle on the floor. You win, band. You. Win.

And now there's singing? Oh dear god...


Your Own Obsessive Blogger


Eric Lane Barnes said...

The band does, indeed rock. What other instant theater festival has a full-on rock band with a HARP? Not a single other one in the world.

JJ Moon said...

On behalf of all of us: *blushing*. XO JJ Moon