Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Band Groupie Reflects

This is your band groupie, signing off to fight the crowds and grab a seat for the 8pm show.

Cheers to the 14/48 Festival band, who will rock for many hours straight tonight. You don't want to miss it. I know, 'cause I got to see them work so hard all day.

And cheers to the weekend's blogging team for letting me infiltrate their crew, even if Jose thought I was a mole at mid-day. He and I had a brief discussion on the hypocrisy of the notion that the blogging team could be concealing anything, what with all they expose of others throughout the weekend. But from there everything was great, right, Jose? Right?

All kidding aside - it's pretty rad to see this festival from another angle and get a chance to reflect on it. There are a lot of spokes in this wacky, wacky wheel - and who knew that a day shadowing the band would be such a great way to see it all in motion?

Go get 'em, weekend 1, night 2, Winter '12!

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