Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hey pretties,

If you were part of this fucking amazing group of volunteers and artists, I wanted to talk to you. That's right. YOU! But I'm one little person. And with all those cookies tonight, not so little. HOWEVER, there were many, many people I missed getting to chat with because y'all were hella busy making shit happen. Like really really fantastic stuff. For those of you I missed getting to connect with, adding one of your one-liners or finding out why this 14/48 was awesome for you, my sincere apologies. Truman and I will add more pictures tomorrow. Well, after we've both slept, maybe I've seen Moonrise Kingdom with the boyfriend, had a fancy dinner with some family in town and generally recovered. Though can one really recover from 14/48? Or does one just revel in and savor the madness that was?

I'll let you know tomorrow. Sweet dreams kittens! I'm truly awestruck by all the talent and dedication I witnessed this weekend and grateful I was able to be apart of it with you. Thanks everyone!


Susanna Burney said...

Great blogumentation of a weekend I won't soon forget. Just wanted to point out that Alyssa Keene wrote an original song for each night--Day One: "The Love of the Game," Day Two: "You Ain't From Around Here," funkadelic glory. Tim Moore wrote the Irish drinking song that closed Act I of the Saturday night show. It started as western song, but we decided to make it Irish and collectively wrote the last verse that answers the musical question, "What All Do You Do?" That's all,
Susanna B. (VIRGIN rock star no more)

Miss Devylish said...

Ooh! Thank you Susanna! That's what I was missing!