Friday, July 31, 2009

And the craziness begins.

Actors are sauntering in now, all nice and well-rested. This will change soon.

Gary and Michael, the designers, are retreated into a corner, deeeep in thought. Designers get an average of $25 dollars per show, and so far, challenges right now are moderate: MJ Seiber wrote a play that is set on the bridge of a science fiction ship. Another play also needs giant sized Monopoly cards. But my favorite so far is the play with the Nun, the Chicken, the Cop and the Doctor. I think it is called "Long Days Journey Into Night Two!!" Just kidding. But it'll be fun to see how these ideas evolve throughout the day.

There are seven pairs of directors and playwrights about. From what I can hear the directors are really plumbing the minds of the they manage to function at this moment is beyond me. Bravo. Chris Haddad and Makela Pollock were deep in discussion over Chris's play Donation, batting number 2 tonight. Heard it described conceptually "that stupid people have more kids..." So apparently we have a play set in Kent tonight. Ba dum bum.

If you thought I would stop blathering about the FREE FOOD that is DELICIOUS and FREE, you were wrong. Alex is making sausages. "We don't fuck around here at 14/48," quoth he. No sir, you do not.

Scratch that comment above about the actors resting well. Chris Bell didn't get much sleep last night, due to nerves. "Just excited about today." He also brought several suits, just in case they'd be needed for tonight. Thinking on his toes, I like that. Someone will end up needing a suit, no doubt.

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