Friday, July 31, 2009
Theme for Night 2
That was great! Now do it again!
Hey guy with the iphone texting and surfing the web in front of me during the show...
10 Minutes till Go!
It's the Final Countdown, do do-do do doooooo.
"I am a machine. An artistic machine. And you can fucking quote me on that"
Peggy Gannon just entered the building.
Tech Time!!
Director's meeting
Apropros of nothing, pt. 1
The Wall
First Impressions, part the second.
So close, yet so far
-Megan Ahiers
Show # 3: Single's Night
First Impressions, part one.
Actor Draw -- No Casting Couch here, folks.
And the craziness begins.
sympathy pangs
Playwright update: Darian Lindle
Having the last play is hard. How do I end the show? I keep thinking that it needs to end with a song. Or a dance! I want to keep the energy up so that I can end the show in a way that makes the audience feel good. Like, yay, that was a nice way to spend an evening and $20. As opposed to, well, at least it was air conditioned.
A note to future writers - do not attempt to write at Beth's Diner. It may be open 24 hours, but it is not a cohsive place to get your head together. The music is too loud and the people are kinda stinky. Maybe it's that I've never been there before 2AM before.
The Draw
Playwright Update: Rachel Atkins
8:45 pm get idea driving home
9-10 try writing different idea
10-11:30 go back to original idea, remind self of personal 1448 rule to stick with the driving home idea, hand write first draft, original idea morphs into something different
11:30-1:30 finish first draft, hate it and consider writing something new, remind self of rule again, eat bowl of ice cream, type and revise script, decide that significant changes would require giving up more sleep than willing to lose, go to bed
6 am awakened by fire alarm in house inexplicably going off once, try to get back to sleep, fail
7:15 get up for final read and revisions
7:50 email script with still vague feelings of dissatisfaction—now it’s the director’s and actors’ turn to figure it out…
The fire alarm was probably a sign from God, or perhaps Jesus.
Playwright Update: Becky Bruhn
I got a slow start. I had some family-related interruptions, had to set up fans in my house, and needed to do some research for one of the characters. I was hoping to finish by midnight and wasn't even close! And after all that, it's really just a small sweet piece, nothing profound. (It is the two men play.) Now, to bed.
Morning Pics!
Here are some photos from last night's Artist Meeting.
What Jon Lutyens thinks the plays will be about.
From a chat box two hours ago, reprinted, of course, without permission.
Jon: what's the theme?
me: My Turn
Jon: cool
me: Very!!
Jon: there'll be a dating plot
a playground plot
maybe a dance piece
maybe a stripping piece
maybe a divorce plot
me: any other guesses?
Jon: hopefully an avant garde language piece.
maybe a piece about college drinking.
probably a sex piece.
So. How many do you think he got right? I will guess conservatively and say three.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Some random bits before bed time.
I eavesdropped a bit on the playwrights, where I learned that dreamscapes and meta-theatrical plays are generally frowned upon ("Your play is about you writing a play? Congratulations, you're the billionth person to think of that." ... "But it's my take on it!") It was at this point I realized I was glad I was not a playwrite, because the metaplay is where my brain immediately went.
Then, I met up with Deb Fialkow, the wonderful volunteer coordinator, and was taken on a tour of the facilities. 5 plays will rehearse @ ON the Boards (In surprisingly small rehearsals spaces), while the other two get spots at the Seattle Rep.
Afterwards, I scoured the premises, putting it on myself to find some witty quoticisms (Yes, I create words) to throw up here for your entertainment before bed time. Here goes:
MEGAN AHIERS: "What, are you trying to get quotes or I put this cock in my mouth...yeah, you can put that up" Very well, Megan. Very well.
LOUISE BUTLER, fearless stage manager, on what scares her the most about this weekend: "That I have no idea what the fuck is going on...I know I gotta be there at three. That's all." Awesome.
GARY MENENDEZ, designer: "I am eminently unquotable." Ironically, this is my favorite quote of the night.
ELIZABETH ELLER, virgin director, on her greatest fear: "I'm a director, I don't have fear...that's what seperates us from the other artists." You talk a big game, Eller. I like it.
Apropros of nothing, this fanciful bon mot from TROY FISCHNALLER: "Two dogs in a tub." Google it.
But the winner of the "That's What She Said" OVERHEARD AT 14/48 quote goes to ERIN KRAFT: "It landed in my eye, Trick."
Time for bed...the goal is to be back at On the Boards around 8 or 830 AM...that is when playwrights have to have the final draft of their scripts in, in order to get them printed out for the directors meeting at 9.
Speaking of the playwrights...I wonder how they are doing.......
"My Turn."
Oooh, nice!
In my one-second opinion, I can pretty confidently state that this theme does not suck. It'll be exciting to see what the playwrights come up with.
Here's some footage of the theme drawing from the not as cold as it looks large plastic ice cream cone.
{EDIT: Just kidding. It didn't load right. Blogging FAIL. Why don't you imagine in your head what the drawing of the theme looked like, I mean that's what theatre's all about, right?}
A few more blogs coming before beddy bye time.
DAY 1 THEME: "My Turn"