Saturday, January 16, 2010

3pm Director's Meeting

We learned that stage manager Lou Butler has a Culinary Arts Degree form the University of Alaska.  Someone joked that her thesis was on venison. Lou replied "I know how to gut and skin a moose in 2 minutes.  A moose is bigger than you."


Only 2 directors were late (3:03pm ain't 3:00).  The following is paraphrased:


Lou: You know there are no light changes when these scenes change, right?

Director: Derek said it could be done.

Lou:  If  Derek can do it in 20 minutes, it's yours.


Director: 3 pages, 187 cues


Lou: (a look that speaks "Is this really how you want to use your time?")

Director: Okay.  Lights up when he exits with the sandwich, lights out.


 Director: The band has a number of golf ball cues.

Lou: I'm concerned about a golf ball going down the vom and being left there.

Director:  the actor can pick it up afterwards.

Lou: In the dark.

Director:  ....I'll make sure the actor picks it up.


Director:  The band will play the last 4 bars, and vamp while the the actors crawl downstage, then the lights will do a slow fade but cross into blue before going all the way out.  Simple yet complex

Lou:  ... Next?


Director:  they argue "did not did too did not did too" til page six

Lou:  Whoa.  til page six?

Director:  Oh sorry.  I jumped from page one.  There aren't any cues until page six.

Lou:  I knew that.


Lou:  Good work everyone.  (Deb Fialkow whispers in Lou's ear)  I've just been informed that the light board has lost all its preset cues.  So tech will be a little delayed.  Please arrive to the theatre at your assigned time with the expectation that you will start at least 5 minutes late.

Directors:  Hm.

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