Overheard at Breakfast
- "Thank goodness for whoever brought the Emergen-C." Tammi Doyle
- "No internal cues at all" are a 14/48 stage manager's favorite words to hear. (Tyrone Brown obviously knows how to garner favor of the 14/48 Stage Management gods.)
- Invariably, the actors will always add words. As Opal Peachey says, "If you're gonna add "totally"s at least say it like a fifteen year old" (which means do it in character.)
- Sleep is a good thing, but hard to come by.
- The couches in the ACT lobbies make a great place for a mid-day nap.
That's all I can think of right now. Stay tuned for more insights and observations throughout the day. I can't believe we're doing it all over again!
Tyrone may have said that, but Gary is exploring the possibility of using FLATS for his piece tonight!!