Saturday, January 5, 2008

That time between shows

Hey. Let's talk about that time between shows. What do you do? Do you breathe a sigh of "I didn't fuck up" or look at your script again and go over your blocking? What i've been noticing, this last night of 14/48, is the drinking of the beer. I've been doin' it. I go to the bars around this here place and I see all the other kids doin' it. Which is why I started in the first place. So now (thanks 1448) my tummy is poochin' with a crazy beer baby who just wants more. 
Here is a schedul
e of the shows tonight:
Act 1 

Kayak Man Returns
written by S.P. Miskowski
Directed by Meghan Arnette
Performed by  Andew Litzky, Michael Katt, Jon Lutyens, Kate Parker
Only to Penny
written by Brian Neel and Paul Shipp
Directed by Kibby MacKinnon
Performed by Juniper Berolzheimer, Kate Jaeger, Audrey Bates, Cory Herndon
Two Birds
written by Brendan Healy
Directed by Aimee Bruneau
Performed by Erin Kraft, John Bianchi
Conspiracy Theory
Written by Rachel Atkins
Directed by Andy Jensen
Performed by Nick DeSantis, Peter Dylan O'Connor, Nellis, Tom Jones, Khan Doan
Band Practice
written by Becky Hellyer
Directed by Mark Jared Zufelt
Performed by Susanna Wilson, Chris Bell, Don Darryl Rivera, Nik Perleros
That Doesn't Sound Right At All
Written by Scotto Moore
Directed by Anthony Winkler
Performed by Morgan Rowe
Shawn Law
Teri Lazzara
What's A Little Blood Between Us
written by David Tucker
Directed by Alan Bryce
Performed by Troy Fischnaller, Galen Joseph Osier, Michael Patton, J.D. Lloyd, James Weidman
AND!  The Band this week-
end was Tim Moore, Si Issler, Christopher Stewart, Alan Echison, Todd Licea, Todd Pruitt, Jess Smith, Justin Alley....and the BAND AID was Brendan Hogan.



  1. Many of your so-called "readers" may not be familiar with the term "band aid." I would like to clarify that "band aid," in the musical sense, means one who performs sexual favors upon the members of a music group, or, as is less common, upon a singer/songwriter, and not one who assists said performer or performers in the rehearsal and performance process (for an example, see the film Almost Famous).

    For the record, I only had sexual contact with Tim Moore. All other encounters with the 14/48 band, either real or imagined, were strictly of a professional nature.

    Check your facts next time, for Christ's sake,

    Brendan Hogan

  2. thanks for the clarification, brendan. =)

  3. And it wasn't even that good...
