Friday, January 11, 2008

2 Hours to Go

The vibe here is very mellow - it's hard to imagine that seven plays that hadn't even been written 24 hours ago are about to premiere upstairs.

Unfortunately, I had to earn a paycheck today and couldn't get here until a few minutes ago, but the gist of how the day went was:

9am. Plays due. Directors assigned plays.

10am. Actors arrive and are assigned plays.

10:30am. Rehearsals begin.

11am. The band ("the hardest workers in 14/48") arrives, as do designers. The designers design, the band bands.

3pm. Tech rehearsals begin.

The first of two performances begins at 8pm. The second begins at 10:30pm. Tickets are known to sell out, so arrive early or plan to sleep with someone in the band if you want to get in.


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  2. Special seating privileges only granted to those persons planning to sleep with a minimum of two (2) members of the 14/48 Band. Whether said services shall be rendered separately or simultaneously is entirely at the discretion of the involved 14/48 Band members. This offer not valid with any other promotions or specials.
